Biometric Access Control System – Why Do You Need It?
Biometrics is a method of establishing a person’s identity based on their physical, behavioral, or chemical traits. These uses the biometric data to either grant or deny access to premises. These systems look for behavioral or physical characteristics which are unique to each individual, including iris or retina scans, voice recognition, and gait analysis.
Biometrics is a method of establishing a person’s identity based on their physical, behavioral, or chemical traits. These uses the biometric data to either grant or deny access to premises. These systems look for behavioral or physical characteristics which are unique to each individual, including iris or retina scans, voice recognition, and gait analysis.
Types of Biometric Access Control Systems
Fingerprint Scan
One of the earliest and most common forms is fingerprint scanning. In ancient times, the Chinese used fingerprints to authenticate government records, and the people of Babylon used fingerprints to sign written contracts.
Today, fingerprint scanning continues to be widely used in many different industries. Examples include: identifying suspected criminals, authenticating payments, and access control systems.
Iris Scan
Iris recognition technology uses multiple unique patterns in the human eye to provide accurate identification. Iris scanners use infrared light and high-resolution cameras to create a structured map of the iris and convert this information into a biometric template that becomes a person’s ID. Currently, iris scans are used in a variety of access control systems as well as law enforcement for identifying suspects.
Voice Authentication

The use of voice authentication can reduce and even eliminate the need for passwords to access your facility. Voice authentication works by breaking down the audio of speech into individual sounds and analyzing each sound using algorithms. The algorithms find the most probable word to fit into that language and transcribe those sound clips into texts.
Voice authentication is used to identify individuals over the phone for medical or banking purposes as well as to authenticate users logging into applications.